Fall 2016 Spotlight: OP and ED of the Season

Last season I ended up giving no award to both the OP and ED of the Season, because while there were a few OPs and EDs I thought were catchy, none of them really struck a chord with me. Now, when I wrote last season’s spotlight post I was afraid that the problem lay with me and that next season wouldn’t inspire me to give awards either, but fortunately that turned out not to be the case.

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Fall 2016 First Impressions: Part 8

Lostorage Incited WIXOSS

Fall 2016 First Impressions Wixoss

I really like the distorted geometry here.

Well, that wasn’t entirely different from the way Selector Infected WIXOSS started. The character designs look similar, the art direction looks similar (though no backgrounds by Studio Pablo this time, as far as I know at least), and the main character is something of a loner. Oh, and even before the story proper begins, there are hints that the story is going to be one of darkness and despair, just like the weird tetris metaphor in Selector Infected. And considering that’s about what I expected, I’m actually quite satisfied by the similar introductions.

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Fall 2016 Preview Mega Post

After a two-year-long break, I’ll be going back to university this semester, and so I am afraid that I may not have much time for blogging anymore. I haven’t yet decided whether I’ll be going on a hiatus or not, but I want to inform you that the possibility exists now that I’m no longer a NEET. However, because doing this is so much fun, I’m probably going to spend a lot of time blogging about the Fall season anyway.

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