Spring 2018 First Impressions: Part 10

This is going to be a rapid-fire edition of a first impressions post, because I fell behind and now I have to write about more than two shows. Or maybe I end up writing more about some shows, and less about others. I haven’t decided yet. But anyway, here we go.

Juushinki Pandora

I picked this up because I saw that it was a mecha show originally created by Shoji Kawamori, and because it was animated by Satelight. Unfortunately, though, not all shows can be winners, even if they’re created by people with prestigious portfolios. That’s what happened here. I had problems concentrating on the entire episode, but it felt like one of those dime-a-dozen mecha shows that pop up every now and then (almost every season actually). It felt uninspired, and uninspiring. I didn’t really care about anything that happened. So I don’t see any reason to continue it either.

Spring 2018 Juushinki Pandora

Cool robot lizard.

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Fall 2017 First Impressions: Part 2

Juuni Taisen

As expected of a story originally written by Nisio Isin, the first episode of Juuni Taisen consisted of a lot of talking and internal monologues, partially in the form of a flashback sequence. Of course, this isn’t that uncommon in other battle royale stories either, but I imagine Nisio Isin’s hand does have something to do with the amount of talking. In any case, I happen to like talky shows, so I quite enjoyed the first episode, and I especially liked the twist at the end.

Fall 2017 Juuni Taisen

This looked better in motion, of course, but this shot is great anyway.

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Going Down The List: Shokugeki no Souma


As of the time of writing this, 37 episodes of Shokugeki no Souma have aired. I watched all of them, and I enjoyed all of them. Granted, not as much as I enjoyed the manga – the reveals and twists were more interesting the first time around – but the anime was still really fun. The anime has yet to reach the parts of the story that I’m not a huge fan of, so it’s too early for me to say whether it’s an improvement over the manga or not.

GDTL Shokugeki 1

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Summer 2016 Spotlight: OP and ED of the Season

There may be something wrong with me. By the 8th week of a season, I usually have a lot of opinions about every OP and ED from shows that I’m still watching, but this season there’s nothing. In the past, I have said that particular seasons have been particularly uninteresting when it comes to their collections of theme songs, but even then I did have lots of opinions. This time, however, I feel very little. Because it seems unlikely that this season would be so extremely unremarkable compared to other seasons, I’m inclined to believe that the problem is in my head. To be honest, I’ve felt kind of burned out on anime lately, so it’s probably related to that.

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Index: Summer 2016 First Impressions

Due to foreseen and not unfortunate circumstances, which I could however not compensate for, I still have not had time to watch the first episode of Battery, which is why I will not be publishing my first impressions on it (because I feel like writing an entire post after a week-long break would be too much of a pain). I just thought I’d make that clear so no one has to sit and wait for a post that will never come. However, based on other people’s reactions, I can say that I’m expecting Battery to be at the very least a decent show, though maybe not the best drama ever. That said, it’s sort of pointless to speculate too much, so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

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Summer 2016 First Impressions: Part 3

Love Live! Sunshine!!

Summer 2016 Love Live Sunshine

Ah, the sparkle of the Love Live magic. It truly has returned.

Well, this is Love Live alright. And while it’s portrayed as a standalone story in an alternative setting, it does in no way try to introduce the concept of Love Live in the same way that the original series did. Instead, it assumes that everyone knows what Love Live is about and goes straight for the character introductions. Which was a bold move, because had it not managed to pull it off, i.e. had it not felt at all like Love Live, the entire first episode would have fallen flat on its face. Fortunately, however, and as I already implied (and said outright at the start), the first episode did manage to pull it off.

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Summer 2016 Preview Mega Post

Oh dear, we once again have a season where I’m picking up 30 new shows. This is because almost everything looks woefully mediocre to me, so I might as well pick up a bunch of random shows and see if any of them stick. There are a few shows I have high hopes for, but the rest are pretty much completely wild cards.

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